Is this what college is really like?

1 min readApr 26, 2021

Transferring to FIT from a community college back home, I made assumptions on what a “real college experience” was like. Move-in day seemed as typical as every opening scene in a college movie. The sad overbearing mom, the unloading of the car, and the excitement I felt at the start of my new life. But as I said my goodbyes to my mom, who was giving me the circulation-cutting hug of a lifetime, I started to feel a diverging path from all the movies I’ve watched.

At this point in the movies, it usually goes into the rising action. You know, the part where the main character meets their roommate or goes to a big party. But my roommate never showed up, and there was no extravagant college party to be found. So I guess it was at this point at which my reality began to part from all the movies I had seen. With a very anti-climactic ending, my move-in night consisted of me sitting on an uncomfortable twin bed, reading a book and blowing bubbles out of my small window, and eating ramen noodles.

